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GE Aviation
(Spring 2022)

This spring I began a new role in GE Aviation's Digital Technology program on an RFID Implementation project. In short (and without violating privacy agreements) I got to work as a Technical Program Manager (basically a project planner and coordinator), specifically for migrating an outdated software application to a newer one. I'm not able to share specifics of what I worked on - again, privacy and all that. But this was a spectacularly transformative experience in which I was able to see another side of what engineering can look like. I was able to pair technical growth, primarily in SQL, with business know-how in order to further a major multi-year project along its path. Being a part of such a large scale effort was eye-opening to say the least, and exposed me to what it can mean to be an "engineer."

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My first time working out of the downtown Cincinnati office!

Along with my main role I also got to serve as the co-op/intern Professional Development Committee (PDC) President! This was an elected position at the start of the semester, and meant I was able to oversee social outings, volunteering events, professional Lunch & Learns, site tours, for over 100 interns across the entire nation. This was overwhelmingly rewarding position, allowing me to lean into an additional people-oriented position and work with professionals across the company's numerous orgs. I was able to spearhead a tour to GE's primary engine testing facility, coordinate an apparel order for all interns, and plan and lead weekly meetings for my committee chairs. Taking on such a large role was most definitely out of my initial comfort zone, but I grew significantly as a result of this paired with my primary work priorities.

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